TingTong in thai language means positively crazy – brings happiness and unlimited joy. TingTong Apps Co. Ltd. is your language learning creator, located in beautiful Thailand. Our company was founded in 2013 under the promotion of Board Of Investment of Thailand by professional programmers and gamers (some with more than 20 years of experience). We want to provide access to knowledge and entertainment for people all around the world.
Our company's mission is to create the most amazing programs for learning languages and e-learning platforms. Currently we have been cooperating with Thai schools, Microsoft, Google, Apple and Samsung. Our future plans focus on developing most advanced in the world system for learning languages with highest quality standards.

Meet us:
We are a team of 5 people, that love to enjoy life to its fullest! Our TingTong Company was established in beginning of 2013 year by Arnon Dagan from Israel, Chris Krol and Artur Tochowicz from Poland. We appreciate great help from BOI (Board Of Investment of Thailand), where we met a lot of amazing people, that helped us on all the way and still show, that Thailand is the greatest place to make business in the world!
On a business meeting you will see us with perfectly cut suits and cufflings, however on a daily basis we wear shorts and colorful shirts with flowers - we love what we do and enjoy creating state-of-the-art learning solutions.
We love life and enjoy life! We did a lot of stuff before - one of us was a monk in a Buddhist temple, one wrote 8 bestselling books and was a motivational speaker, teaching people how to success in life. One of our programmers, with more than 20 years of experience was the co-creator of the famous game Settlers. We have been working here with people from Thailand, Poland, Israel, Switzerland, Czech Republic etc. We love to share our knowledge with others - we fund scholarships, help students to develop themselves, lead seminars in Bangkok about mobile applications.
Together all of us had before more than 20 successful companies - just to take all this experience and build amazing enterprise in lovely Thailand. Here is how our office looks:
Our company is located in Buriram, Thailand. ]A lot of time we spent on various islands - we just love coconut palms and ocean water - it inspires us for better creativity! We have brought also some of the palms to our office!
Although some of us are more than 50 years old - we study all the time - we love learning and developing ourselves.
In our lives and company we have one, most important rule: "Come on... Enjoy life!". We don`t work, we focus on our passion and dreams and put them into reality.
Our team loves to travel - often we go to various seminars, islands, lovely places all over the world - we believe discovering the world gives us inspiration.
We are participating in the biggest IT conferences in Thailand, sharing our knowledge with others: